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Cara menyisipkan kode Adsense setelah posting

Dear Neter!

Lumayan lama neh... tidak nongol di dunia maya.... Maklum pekerjaan lagi
padat. Tuntutan pekerjaan yang mengharuskan saya harus konsentrasi penuh. Dah
berapa kali coba-coba nulis sedikit, but ... pena kayaknya gak mau dijalanin ...
Sumpek, jenuh, suntuk plus badan lemah and lesu... pokoke full jadi satu..

So... alhamdulillah. Ada sedikit waktu luang dan diberikan kemudahan oleh
Sang Kholiq untuk nulis artikel ini.

Artikel ini saya tulis dalam rangka menjawab pertanyaan mas Nur Salam yang
ada dikolom komentar artikel saya. Pertanyaannya berkaitan dengan selalu
nongolnya Adsense pada setiap postingan.

Begini... sebenarnya mudah saya kok...

Coba.. buka kode template bloggernya. Dan coba cari tag <blogger> dan
</blogger>. Dan untuk menyisipkan kode Adsense (kodenya sesuaikan dengan
lebar area konten Anda) paste-kan sebelum tag </blogger> setelah kode-kode
untuk menyisipkan komentar. Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan lihat contoh di bawah
ini (ini kode asli dari yang belum diedit) :

<!-- Awal tag Blogger -->

<!-- Kode untuk header -->
<div class="entry" id="post-<$BlogItemNumber$>">
<h3 class="entry-header"><$BlogItemTitle$></h3>
<div class="entry-content">
<!-- Kode untuk content -->
<div class="entry-body">
<--!Kode-kode komentar disini-->

<!-- Kode untuk Google Adsense letakkan disini -->
<!-- Akhir tag Blogger -->


Jika kode template telah Anda modif atau Anda menggunakan metode tabel
seperti template buatannya Mas Isnaini disesuaikan saja. Yang jelas kode Adsense
harus disisipkan antara tag <blogger> dan </blogger>.

Untuk mempermudah pekerjaan Anda, silakan gunakan Frontpage (sudah ada kalau
Anda menginstall office).

Itu saja yaah.... Gak banyak kok...


Ketika Aku Bangun dari Tidur

Al hamdulillah...
Sebulan penuh berpuasa, menahan segala keinginan untuk memasukkan makanan ke dalam perut ini, menahan dari segala keinginan-keinginan yang dapat mengotori hati dan tidak ketinggalan ku tahan keinginan ngeblog selama sebulan penuh demi untuk konsentrasi ibadah di bulan istimewa itu. Bagaimana tidak, didalamnya berbagai bentuk ibadah dilipatgandakan pahalanya. Yang berstatus sunnah diberi pahala seperti melaksanakan yang wajib di bulan lainnya, terlebih lagi bila mengerjakan yang wajib. Bayangkan sendiri...
Dimana lagi kita akan menemukan bulan istimewa seperti ini, selain dalam agama Islam.
Dimana ummatnya memiliki umur yang pendek tapi mendapat kesempatan meraih pahala yang besar, berbeda dengan ummat-ummat sebelumnya yang berumur panjang hingga ratusan tahun tapi tidak memiliki keistimewaan berlipatgandanya pahala mereka.
Kalau mau menghitung secara matematis, mungkin saja tidak cukup buku album ukuran folio untuk mencatat pahala yang ada di bulan Ramadhan untuk amalan kita sendiri.
Terlebih lagi 10 hari terakhir kita berkesempatan mendapatkan malam Lailatul Qadar, berkesempatan melakukan i'tikaf meninggalkan kesibukan keduniaan demi khusu' bermunajah kedapatan Rabbul 'alamin. Tuk mendapatkan kenikmatan keimanan, sujud merendah dihadapan sang Khaliq.

Setelah sebulan berpuasa ria, maka bertemulah kita dengan bulan Syawwal, sebagai bulan kemenangan bagi mereka yang berpuasa... Berkesempatan berzakat fitrah untuk membahagiakan kaum fakir miskin, agar merekapun dapat turut serta merayakan kemenangan ini. Kemudian bersholat Ied, berkumpul antara raja dan rakyat, antara si kaya dan si miskin, pria dan wanita di tanah lapang bersujud sama rendah, yang menunjukkan bahwa kita semua sama di mata Allah, kecuali mereka yang memiliki ketaqwaan yang tinggi.

Walaupun beried kita berbeda. Ada yang hari Senin ada pula yang Selasa, yang penting kita mengerjakannya atas landasan dalil "Berpuasa bila melihat hilal, dan berbuka bila melihat hilal".
Mungkin di suatu tempat ada yang melihat hilal hari Senin, hingga mereka sholat ied hari senin, atau ditempat lain tidak melihat, maka dicukupkan saja bilangannya menjadi 30.

Lalu bagaimana dengan mereka yang beried karena memakai perhitungan (menggunakan tehnologi)..
Selayaknya tehnologi itu dijadikan sarana pendukung, bukan dijadikan tumpuan. Karena Nabi memerintahkan melihat hilal.
Ini bukan berarti kita ketinggalan zaman karena tidak mau memakai alat tehnologi landasan beragama. Tidak, tidak demikian. Ibadah ini paketnya datang dari Allah (tauqifi), jadi kita tidak berhak merubah atau mengganti. Bukankah Allah lebih tau apa yang bermanfaat untuk manusia. Jadi kalau kita berani merubah atau mengganti, maka disadari atau tidak kita telah merasa lebih tau maslahat untuk kita ketimbang Allah sebagai Penguasa Alam.

Memang, kalau menggunakan tehnologi sebagai tolok ukur beragama, maka kadangkala tehnologi itu nampak terlalu jauh kedepan, dan kadangkala pula tertinggal dibelakang. Lalu muncul pertanyaan " Adakan tehnologi yang bisa menghitung datangnya hari Kiamat, adakah tehnologi yang menemukan dimana alam kuburi itu? " Tentunya semua sepakat, bahwa belum ada tehnologi yang seperti itu. Jadi kalau kita memakai tehnologi sebagai tolok ukur, bisa-bisa kita tidak percaya dengan adanya kiamat, dengan adanya Qodo' dan Qodar, adanya alam kubur dll.
Kalau sudah demikian rusaklah keimanan kita sebagai seorang muslim. Lalu apa bedanya kita dengan komunis, paganis dan nis-nis yang lainnya.
Bukankah kita diperintahkan untuk mengembalikan segala urusan ke al-Qur'an dan Sunnah bila terjadi perselisihan, menjadikan keduanya sebagai hakim. Dan yang lebih penting Rasulullah menjamin keselamatan atas orang-orang yang berpegang teguh dengan keduanya, walaupun panasnya bagai bara api.

OK! Kita sudahi saja pembicaraan ini. Dan aku serahkan kepada yang lebih berhak membahasnya, yaitu ulama kita.
Aku cuman pengen ngucapin kepada sahabat netter "Selamat bertemu kembali di dunia Maya".
Selanjutnya aktifitas ngeblog ini aku mulai dari memeriksa buku tamu, dan ternyata banyak tuh yang kase komen, bahkan ada yang nanya soal SunflowersPRT, ada gak bukti transfer ke egold. Waah ... gimana ya... soalnya aku belum mencapai payout, jadi duitnya belum bisa ditransfer ke rekening egoldku.
Ada juga yang nanyain cara memasang fasilitas buku tamu (aku menyebutnya alat chat). Kalau di Blogger cukup paste saja kodenya pada sisi dimana akan diletakkan. Kalau templatenya pake tabel bisa pake Frontpage untuk membantu menyisipkan kodenya. Tapi kalau pake tag <DIV> letakkan pada bagian sisi kiri atau kanan tergantung desain template. Caranya cek pada cascading style sheetnya, dimana kode sisi halaman templatenya, lalu sisipkan kode cbox tsb diantara tag <DIV> </DIV>.
Dan ada yang kase saran untuk berbisnis yang nyata saja.. Waah mungkin sang penyaran belum pernah paneh duit dari internet atau selalu error bila mencoba bisnis internet. Seperti aku ini lah ... belum panen. Tapi setidaknya ada keyakinan kuat dan pengetahuan bertambah dari sebelumnya.
And bagi yang mau blogroll dah ane taruh tuh ... linknya ...

Oh ..yaa ...Aku juga mengedit templatenya, merubahnya dengan menggunakan tag <DIV> </DIV> agar ukurannya sedikit berkurang. Cuman hasilnya agak kacau kalau pake IE dan sempurna kalau pake FIre Fox. Jadi saran aku kalau sedang browsing pakelah Fire Fox. Disisi kanan situs ini aku sediain link untuk ngedownload FireFox. Coba cek pada bagian FREE DOWNLOAD.

Change your Browser,  

Tak lupa jua aku tambahin polling dari untuk menambah kecantikkan blog ini. Rencananya ada peta situs dan perkiraan cuaca...
Dan aku kabarin sekarang aku punya situs blog baru pake script WordPress. Alamatnya di, masih dalam masa uji coba dan perancangan. Sebelumnya aku juga pernah pake wordpress dihosting gratisan yang urlnya, tapi baru satu bulan online dah diHACK orang. Waah payah ... itulah resiko yang gratisan..

Sudah ya....
Kalo Anda mau terkenal di Internet banyak-banyak memberikan komentar pada situs blog lain dan jangan lupa sertakan URL anda. Niscaya search engine semisal Google akan mendeteksinya.. GAK PERCAYA COBAIN SENDIRI, Caranya :

  1. Mula-mula ketikkan URL anda di Google, dan lihat result nya ada berapa nama situs anda tampil.

  2. Mulailah memberikan komentar, targetkan selama dua bulan dengan jumlah komentar lebih dari 20.

  3. So... cek ulang di Google, dan

  4. Nikmati ketenaran Anda....

Wassalam ...

7 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog

You’ve put a lot of work into your blog, and you put more in every day. But without a steady stream of traffic, no one’s the wiser. Use these seven tips to get more traffic to your blog.
1) Do your SEO and keyword research homework. Make sure the HTML of your site is search engine friendly. Here’s a basic search engine optimization checklist:
• Do your post titles have appropriate keywords?
• Do your anchor links have keywords in them? Using “here” as a link is a missed opportunity.
• Does your domain name include a primary keyword?
2) Submit your site to the 1st and 2nd tier engines like Google, Yahoo, Dmoz, MSN and Looksmart, and to the blog directories. Here’s a short list of sites that offer free blog listings:
Blog Search
Globe of Blogs
3) Ping like you mean it. This is a way for you to raise your hand to the blog trackers when you’ve posted new content. You can do it site by site at places like Technorati, or go to Ping-o-matic ( and mass-ping your blog to over 20 sites. Make sure your blog is set up to ping the appropriate sites every time you publish a post.
4) Feed your RSS. Make sure your blog has one and that it’s working. An RSS feed is a bit of XML that allows your blog to push content to RSS readers. That way people don’t have to visit your site to get your latest insights – they just open their RSS reader and read the news. If your blog is at, don’t worry about an RSS feed – its already been created for you. If you’re not at and your current blog doesn’t have RSS functionality, visit and sign up for their free service that will set up an RSS feed from any website (blog or not). 5) Swap links. Make a list of relevant sites you’d love to link to your blog. Write them a short friendly note and offer to let them use a few of your posts as content on their site in exchange for a link back to your site. Also, link to their sites from within one of your posts. Be sure to offer to exchange links in the links section of your blog. Most blog software programs offer this. There are also sites that special in helping bloggers swap links. Web Log Empire ( is a large one. If you’re willing to pay for a link to your site, check out Text-Link-Ads (

6) Be part of the blogging community. Go to other blog sites you admire. Contribute to their blogs in ways that add real value. Write good, thoughtful comments that are content rich. Give away what you know. Do it a lot – at least 3 posts a week. Over time you’ll become recognized as someone who has something worthwhile to say. As your reputation grows, people will seek out your blog. This is not an overnight process, but by paying your dues and building an audience you are positioning yourself to become a star. By the way, if your site doesn’t have the functionality for visitors at add comments, Haloscan ( is a free service that will let them do so. It also allows for “trackbacking”, which is a way to manage pings.
7) Write your blog! Put everything you’ve got into it. Make it great. Post as frequently as you can. The search engines will note frequent postings. A blog that has a new post every day is obviously more active – and important – than a blog that was set up in 2003, has 4 posts, and has been dead since 2004. To really make your blog get noticed you’ll need to post at least 2-3 times a week.

Copyright 2006 Kurma Group
By : Anik Singal

Cara mengedit link pada Blogger

Setiap Template Blogger memiliki daftar links, untuk menggantinya silakan masuk ke area Template dan cari kode seperti di bawah ini :

<h2 class="sidebar-title">Links</h2>
<li><a href="">Google News</a></li>
<li><a href="http://EDITME">Edit-Me</a></li>
<li><a href="http://EDITME">Edit-Me</a></li>

Anda dapat menghapus atau menambahkan link pada kode daftar link di atas, sangat bagus kalau anda mengetahui bahasa HTML.
Atau gunakan Microsoft Frontpage untuk mengeditnya dengan cara copy dan paste dari halaman template blogger ke mode HTML pada Frontpage. Jika telah selesai anda dapat meng copy-paste dari frontpage kembali ke halaman template blogger.
Untuk mengganti link di atas, rubah "http://EDITME" dengan alamat web dan "Edit Me" dengan teks yang anda inginkan. Terakhir, simpan perubahan dan jangan lupa klik tombol Republish

Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Situs Blog

Jika anda telah memiliki situs blog, langkah berikutnya yang harus anda kerjakan adalah memperkenalkan situs anda ke khalayak ramai. Tentunya anda akan senang dan gembira bila artikel, puisi atau cerita yang anda publikasikan lewat situs blog dikomentari oleh orang lain. Dan anda tentunya tidak mau kalau hasil karya anda tersebut cuman anda saja yang menikmatinya.

Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah yang dapat anda tempuh untuk meningkatkan traffic situs blog anda dengan cara memperkenalkannya ke khalayak ramai. 

1. Daftar ke Direktori khusus Blog

Paling tidak ke beberapa situs di bawah ini :







Tugas blog direktori ini adalah mengirimkan data dan postingan anda ke berbagai search engine, termasuk tiga search engine besar yaitu ,,

(2) Tukar Link ( blogroll ) atau Link Exchange

Ajaklah teman atau siapa saja yang memiliki pengunjung yang banyak untuk saling tukar link ( BlogRoll dalam istilah dunia Blogging ). Mintalah kepada mereka untuk memasukkan link anda, selanjutnya sebagai imbalannya andapun memasukkan link milik mereka di situs blog anda.

Atau anda dapat mendaftarkan ke penyedia link exchange, seperti di
atau anda dapat mencarinya melalui search engine dengan mengetikkan keyword "free link exchange"

Atau kalau kebetulan anda menemukan ada orang lain yang memasukkan alamat blog anda dalam daftar linknya, maka anda harus membalas budi dengan memasukkan link miliknya kedalam direktori link anda. Kalau tidak anda akan dicap sebagai "Blogger Pelit". Mau apa nggak????

Silakan lakukan cek dengan mengetikkan nama blog anda seperti ini  atau blog siapa saja yg ingin Anda ketahui. Contoh : lalu tekan search, silakan anda lihat hasilnya.

(3) Banyak memberi komentar di Blog lain

Rajin-rajinlah berkunjung ke blog lain dan jangan lupa untuk senantiasa meninggalkan komentar anda dan mengetikkan alamat web blog anda.

(4)  Pasang fasilitas Chat Box

Untuk menarik perhatian pengunjung anda dapat menambahkan fasilitas interaktif sepeti, Chat Box. Untuk memperoleh secara gratis silakan daftarkan ke  atau anda dapat melihat contohnya di blog yang ada disebelah kanan.

(5) Tulis alamat Blog di Signature eMail anda

So... jangan lupa buat signature email dengan mengisikan alamat web blog anda. Setiap orang yang anda kirimi email tentunya akan senantiasa membaca bagian akhir dari email anda dan mereka akan tergerak hatinya untuk paling tidak mencoba mengkliknya.

(6) Konten anda harus menarik

Inilah yang tidak kalah seru dan penting. Ingatlah bahwa orang yang duduk di depan komputer dan browsing internet adalah orang yang butuh informasi untuk dirinya, maka andalah orang yang akan memberikan informasi tersebut. Carilah tema yang banyak diminati oleh orang ( yang biasa disebut dengan Tag ). Untuk mengetahuinya anda dapat melihatnya pada situs

( DATANG LAGI YACH ... Masih bersambung )

Get free Acer TravelMate

It’s easy to get yourself a free Acer TravelMate® Notebook computer, just follow the steps.
Detail ....

Step 1 – Sign Up. or klik this link After that, you will get referral code, click No Thanks. Just continue to
be sure to read each one carefully to guarantee your credit.
Your browser cookies must be turned on in order to track your offer correctly.

Step 2 – Refer 18 of your friends. Under the “Referrals” tab at the top of this page, you’ll find your personal referral link. Pass this link to your friends and colleagues. If you’d like a sample email to send click here. Remember you need at least 18 of your friends to signup and complete an online offer.

Step3 – Place your order. Once you have completed steps 1 & 2, you will be presented with the Acer Apire Notebook computer order form. Submit the form and within 4 weeks you will receive your Acer TravelMate® Notebook computer. FREE!

It's THRUE...

Cara Menyulap Theme WordPress menjadi template Blogger

Senengnya Ganti Baju Baru .....

Komiu seneng gak kalau pake baju baru?

Tentu donk! Siapalah yang tidak seneng pake baju baru, sedangkan punya istri baru aja senengnya minta ampun, he...he...he... [ Just kidding ] Jangan marah yaaa .... kalo yang baca ini perempuan.

Tapi yang saya maksud ini bukan baju yang kamu bayangkan.... Bukan !!! bukan baju yang melekat dibadan...

Tapi, bajunya blogger... Apa memangnya selama ini blogger telanjang yaa....
Hussss .... pikirannya jorok melulu.....

Kemarin.... Aku nganggur gak ada kerjaan... Daripada bengong mendingan ada yang aku utak atiklah...Swaktu aku ngebuka xplorer windos, aku iseng buka direktori template-ku (koleksi template) dan aku baru sadar kalau aku punya template untuk wordpress dari
Aku coba pasang di web blog lokal yang aku pasang di komputerku pake server mini XAMPP, so ... buzzz.... Bagus juga tampilannya. Kemudian aku coba modif sedikit grafiknya pake PhotoShop yang ada tulisan mengganggu "sample". Dan aku coba jalanin lagi. Subhanallah... Cantik juga kau nih!

Aku berpikir rugilah kalau hanya aku saja yang melototin theme ini, gimana kalau seluruh orang yang konek ke Internet juga ngeliatin kecantikanmu. So aku ingat dengan web blogku yang ada di blogger.
"Aku pake ajalah sebagai template baru".

Tapi ada kendala nih! Themenya wordpresskan pake php script, gimana caranya upaya bisa dipake oleh blogger. Dan inilah cara yang aku tempuh untuk menyulap themenya wordpress menjadi themenya blogger atau yang lainnya.

  1. Tentunya script wordpress telah aku install di komputer lokal dengan nama panggilan http://localhost pake server mini XAMPP.

  2. Aku preview theme tsb pake Internet Explorer , kemudian aku Save As dengan file type "Web page, HTML only".

  3. Setelah itu aku coba liat kodenya (View, Source).... Dan ternyata sangat cocok nih kalau dipake di blogger.

  4. Aku buat direktori untuk grafiknya dan file css. Aku kopi seluruh file gambar dan css yang dipakai.

  5. Lalu aku buka kodenya dengan Macromedia Dreamwaver MX 4. Buang kode yang tidak dibutuhkan, ganti alamat imagenya, aku rubah cascading style sheetnya dari eksternal menjadi internal. Selanjutnya....

  6. Menyisipkan kode blogger ke dalam tag body dan tidak ketinggalan kode AdSense.... biar ada yang ngekliklah.

  7. Dan seperti yang kamu lihat! Themenya sudah jadi...

  8. Ingat! Jangan dihapus copy right-nya ya.... Ganti saja dengan kalimat "Edited by" ntar pembuat template-nya marah-marah, sebab kamu melanggar hak cipta.

Aku jadi kepengen mengedit theme wordpress yang lainnya, biar sobat netter kelak bisa memakai di blogger.

Selamat mencoba... Semoga berhasil

Laptop ACER gratis dari Kanada

Dear Netter...

Ada laptop gratis dari situs Kanada, dan ini tidak bohong...
Promosi produk Acer dari situs Canadian Business ini akan membagi notebook Acer dengan gratis. Caranya:

  1. Daftarkan Diri anda dengan mengklik :
    Lalu klik register!
    Setelah selesai register anda diberi referrals dengan mengklik No Thanks. Just continue to
  2. Selanjutnya klik menu referrals (dibagian atas web yang sudah anda register), lalu klik juga link sponsor search engine dan klik link kembali ke GustoNetwork maka Anda akan melihat URL atau link REFERAL anda seperti di atas.
  3. Informasikan kepada teman-teman anda mengenai produk notebook Acer ini, cukup 18 orang yang mendaftar dari referrals anda.
  4. Setelah 18 orang mendaftar melalui referrals anda, tinggal Order Notebook Acer Travelmate, IP4 2,8 GHz) Langsung dikirim ke alamat rumah anda

Selamat mencoba, semoga beruntung!!!


Sony at fault for another Dell-style T2300E switchup?

Well, aren't Sony and Dell just two peas in a pod. After getting dragged into the muck by Dell's recent battery recall, Sony is once again following the mega-manufacturer into another bit of scandal: the great T2300/T2300E switchup of 2006. Apparently, Sony's SZ2 laptops are subject to the same confusion that scored Dell a class-action lawsuit from some disgruntled consumers China. Their extensive marketing material purportedly claims a VT-happy T2300 chip, while forum buzz so far makes it sound like most purchasers ended up with the slightly cheaper T2300E. Since Intel replaced the T2300 with the T2300E in June, it's understandable that some manufacturers might fail to update their marketing material accordingly, and we're sure Sony and Dell weren't the only ones to do so. From the sounds of the Dell debacle, all Sony needs to do is quickly provide an apology and a replacement/refund option to the small amount of consumers that care for VT functionality or just want the satisfaction of getting the entirety of their laptop dollar. Or they could just do things Dell style, and deny the whole affair until it gets messy.

Iklan Gratis dan Jitu

Yth. Rekan Netter

Gratis... join segera,
Cara Sederhana dan Jitu Untuk Menyebarkan Iklan Anda bagaikan virus, Sekaligus Mencari Peluang Baru, Mencari Teman dan Memperbesar Bisnis Anda Sendiri. Plus Training Special, Gratis Pula :)

Salam Iklan Kawan,
Di sini, iklan Anda berpotensi dibaca oleh 1.000.000 orang, atau 10.000.000 orang, atau bahkan tak terbatas !!!, menyebar bagaikan virus ganas yang tidak pernah akan ada obatnya.
Otomatis lah, kalau bisnis anda dikenal banyak orang, bisa lebih laris, mana caranya juga mudah dan gratis, akhirnya anda lebih banyak uang, lebih banyak waktu luang, bisa mebantu teman, merasa lebih bermakna, wah senangnya ya.


Do You Want To Make Money Online?

by: Jon Viney

There are actually many different ways to make money online. Some of them are obviously more lucrative than others, however. Also, there are many scams for supposedly making money online that don't really work, and you end up losing money.

As a general rule, if the online money making opportunity asks for money, it is probably not a good thing. Legitimate ways to make money online will not ask you for money to get the job. The only exception to this is for home businesses. Many home businesses require an upfront investment from you. If you decide that a home business is the best way to go for making money online, then you will probably have to spend some money to get started. However, many people have been very successful with home businesses.

One way that people are making money online is by having several different income streams. This means that you do a bunch of things online that make a little bit of money, which turns out to be a reasonable amount of money when you add them all up. For instance, some people fill out surveys, do some writing, read emails, sell things on Ebay or even do affiliate marketing. These are all ways to have multiple streams of income making money online.
There are actual jobs available online. However, there is a lot of competition for them. Telecommuting from home is one of the best ways for making money online. You need to have an excellent resume and to do a lot of research to find the companies that are hiring people with your skills.

As with any way to make money, the best way of making money online is to follow your passions. First find something you love to do, then find a way to use it for making money online.

You also need to consider your time commitment. Find a way to make money online that won't take up all of your spare time if you are already working a full time job.
Once you have determined how you plan to make money online, spend the time you need. Many people start an online business but lose interest and quit. Find a business that you love so you want to stay with it. Finding a way to do what you love is the best way to make money online.

Jon Viney, 2006

Car Repairing Made Easy

by: Jason Cox
Does your car need some repairs? Well it can be less time consuming and save you money, if you decide to repair your car yourself. And who doesn’t like saving money?
The main reason for concern would be in finding the right parts for the car. It is a good idea to get the parts before starting to repair.
If you notice there is repair needed on your car before something actually goes wrong, it’s good to have the parts ready on hand. Because if you wait its possible that the store is out of stock for that particular part. That way your prepared and have no worries.
You could also consider getting the parts on the internet; you can practically get any part you’re looking for on the internet. Just keep looking and you’re bound to find it. And hey you might get a good deal and they can even deliver the parts to you. You can get a good deal because many times they will buy the parts in bulk and save money, that way it is more easier for the companies to give you a good deal.
Though make sure when you’re ordering your car parts that you're buying the right parts for the make and model of the car that you're repairing. It can waste time if you make a mistake and get the wrong part. It is good to plan ahead and be as organized as you can. It will make the process more efficient and won’t waste time.
Go ahead and be ready for the next repair, you will see how it’ll be taken care of in no time. Don’t moan around, it won’t get the repair done any faster. Just do the repair yourself and see how much money you’ll save. Take my word for it, it can be done.

About The Author
Jason Cox is a successful freelance author that writes regularly for His articles have also been featured on related sites such as and


You may think that having a dishwasher is just a lazy way out of doing the dishes, but using your dishwasher not only saves you the time and chore of dishwashing, it also uses far less water than washing your dishes by hand. dishwashers are available for just about any kitchen. If you don't have a dedicated space in your kitchen for a dishwasher already, you can consider a portable one. If appearance is important to you, there are integrated dishwashers on the market (as there are refrigerators) that can be faced to match your cabinetry.

If you have a large family or do a lot of entertaining, you may feel like you are always filling, running, and emptying the dishwasher. Before you purchase a new dishwasher, check out capacity on several different models. Unlike most appliances, where capacity is measured in cubic feet of space, dishwasher capacity is based on how many place settings it can hold.

As with other home appliances, dishwashers are available with many new kinds of bells and whistles using the latest technology. dishwashers will vary in how many types of cycles they have. If you don't do much or any prewashing, you'll want to make sure you buy a dishwasher that has a heavy cleaning cycle and many small holes in the jets to accomplish a scrubbing action. In addition, you'll want to make sure that food doesn't come off one dish and then stick to another, or accumulate in the bottom of your dishwasher. Some dishwashers now come with a disposal that grinds up larger food particles so they can be rinsed away with the wash water. If you live alone or have a small family, you may want a rinse and hold feature that gives your dishes a quick rinse only. That way, you can rinse them so food will be easier to wash off later, but still wait until you have a full load to run the cleaning cycle.

If you are concerned about energy efficiency, look for dishwashers with a booster heater; most new dishwashers have them. This device will heat the water to make sure it is hot enough to sanitize dishes. Since it will heat water to higher temperatures than your home water heater, you can lower the temperature on your home water heater, saving you money, as well as decreasing the chance of accidental scalding at faucets. Also look for a soil sensor that will adjust your water usage based on how dirty your dishes are.

About The Author:
dana bradley writes about home appliances dishwashers

Teknik Meraih Ribuan Dollar dengan Cara Gratis

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Teknik Ini benar2 MUDAH dan GRATIS. Saya Sangat menyarankan anda untuk mencobanya, karena, PENGHASILAN yang kita Raih sangatlah BESAR dengan cara yang MUDAH dan TANPA MODAL.

Saya Akan Mulai Menjelaskannya…..
Hanya dengan sekali join atau sign up anda akan mendapatkan US$ 1.000 plus ratusan dolar setiap harinya seperti yang sudah saya lakukan ….
Semuanya serba GRATIS & MUDAH!!!
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Maka otomatis uang sebesar USD 1,000 langsung masuk ke account anda di Untuk mengeceknya, cobalah meng-Klik My Earnings.
Untuk menambah saldo, cobalah mengklik Paid to Click, lalu klik banner-banner iklan-iklan yang ada (jangan terburu-buru, tunggu beberapa detik sampai nilai dollar yang tertera di pojok kiri atas homepage sponsor menghilang atau tinggal simbol "$"). Bila suatu saat banner-banner itu tidak ada, maka tunggulah di lain waktu, maka banner-banner itu akan muncul lagi, dan kliklah (kliklah sebanyak-banyaknya agar saldo BONUS terus membengkak!

Mudah bukan ?) . Dan hanya beberapa menit setelah sign up, saya sudah bisa mengumpulkan hampir USD 2,000 hanya dengan mengklik banner-banner sponsor yang muncul ! Begitu mudahnya anda bisa mendapatkan $$$ klik demi klik yang hanya makan waktu 20-60 detik saja!!!

Untuk menambah saldo anda, anda bisa kirim email ke teman, relasi, saudara anda dengan cara mempromosikan Referral Links anda sendiri yang bisa anda copy pada bagian Referral Center dengan menggunakan URL Anda. Setiap mendapatkan satu referral links dari Anda, maka Anda akan mendapatkan BONUS $200.

Sebarkan contoh email seperti yang saya buat ini ke siapa saja yang ingin memperoleh 'income' tambahan dengan cara yang mudah melalui 'e-commerce'. Dan... tanpa mengeluarkan sesen pun kepada pihak lain.

Satu hal lagi … anda akan dikirimi email oleh para sponsor, dan anda tinggal klik untuk mendapatkan dollar-dollar berikutnya..

Pada awalnya saya sedikit 'skeptis' ketika ingin berbagi informasi tentang situs "" kepada anda... (sangat dimengerti, pada situasi seperti sekarang ini banyak sekali orang yang curiga dan takut ditipu sehingga cenderung 'apriori' dan 'hati-hati/w aspada', apalagi harus berhubungan dengan dunia Internet yang masih sedikit orang menyentuhnya).

Katakanlah ini 'penipuan, scam, just a game atau semacamnya', kita tidak akan dirugikan sepeserpun kecuali rugi waktu dan ongkos internet yang kalau kita 'smart' bisa diminimalisir. Anggaplah kerugian itu sebagai 'BIAYA' yang wajar kita keluarkan untuk menimba pengalaman berselancar (surfing) di dunia maya. Bukankah untuk menjadi 'lebih pintar' kita juga harus bayar? Pertanyaannya adalah,"Bagaimana Kalau Semua Itu Benar Adanya?"
Di luar dugaan saya, dalam beberapa hari saja, sudah begitu banyak dollar yang sudah saya kumpulkan dengan klak klik di sana sini. Saya tinggal menunggu dollar yang saya kumpulkan mencapai $100,000. Luar Biasa!!!.
Anda tinggal melakukannya di tengah-tengah surfing anda di dunia maya.


Yang mungkin jadi pertanyaan anda!
Ada suatu analisa mengapa dengan mudahnya mereka membayar kita hanya untuk surfing website? Anggaplah ini adalah sebuah channel TV swasta yang incomenya dari para pemasang iklan. Untuk menarik para pemasang iklan, channel TV tersebut harus mempunyai rating yang bagus dengan pemirsa yang sangat banyak. Demikian pula dengan, rating tersebut adalah dilihat dari jumlah member yang bergabung dan aktif menyebarkan situs itu ke seluruh dunia. Semakin besar rating mereka maka situs tersebut semakin bernilai jual tinggi untuk para pemasang iklan. Jadi kesimpulannya : kita dibayar mahal untuk setiap klik karena berarti rating bagi iklan tersebut dan juga kita dibayar karena mereferensikan pada orang lain. Sebagai contoh, berapa TELKOMSEL, INDOMIE, COCACOLA dan perusahaan kelas dunia lainnya membayar biaya iklannya di banyak channel TV dalam 1 tahun?

Jumlahnya mencapai ratusan milyar!!!

Terus MONEY CHANGER apa yang online di internet ?

Bagi anda yang sudah memulai atau bahkan menjelang PAYOUT (US$100,000), untuk mencairkan DOLLAR e-Gold anda ke mata uang RUPIAH-kita, sebaiknya segera daftar GRATIS di 'IndoChanger' (semacam MoneyChanger kalau di dunia konvensional) dengan meng-KLIK link berikut ini: adalah salah satu website layanan JUAL/BELI e-Gold di Indonesia.
Home Office: Kamfer Utara V No.244, Banyumanik Semarang 50268, Jawa Tengah, Telp 024-7478580, 024-7499412.

Agar pelayanan yang diberikan nantinya berjalan cepat dan lancar, isi personal data anda secara lengkap dan benar. Gunakan rekening bank anda yang sudah online, misalnya: BCA, MANDIRI, PERMATA, LIPPO, BNI, BII dll. Pada prinsipnya, proses ini anda bisa lakukan belakangan ketika sudah terkumpul dollar di rekening E-gold anda tapi tidak ada salahnya anda registrasi dari saat ini.

Bila anda sudah mendaftar dan sudah mulai untuk meraih dollar dengan mengklik banner iklan di SUNFLOWERS, saya juga menyarankan anda untuk mencoba website yang sejenis dengan SUNFLOWERS,
Anda dapat mengklik dan daftar di:

Situs – Situs diatas adalah situs penghasil dollar yang sampai saat ini sudah memberikan penghasilan DOLLAR kepada saya hanya dengan mengklik banner2 iklan.

NB :
Pembuatan E-GOLD klik saja :
copy URL tersebut di atas dan paste ke browser Internet Explorer)

Registrasi member SUNFLOWERS klik :
(copy URL tersebut di atas dan paste ke browser Internet Explorer)

Pembuatan account INDOCHANGER bisa klik :
(copy URL tersebut di atas dan paste ke browser Internet Explorer)

Saran saya tidak ada salahnya anda untuk mencoba, karena ini benar2 GRATIS, Anda juga dapat membaca informasi tentang situs2 PAY TO CLICK di forum2 bisnis ataupun di Artikel2 internet, baik itu di tabloid, ataupun majalah computer & internet. Dan memang benar adanya situs holiday-mails dan yang lainnya. Keberadaannya adalah LEGAL.
Selamat Mencoba… dan Selamat Meraih Dollar dengan cara yang MUDAH, PASTI dan GRATIS.

Salam Sukses

Sebuah ‘Tanggapan’ Tentang Ditemukannya Neraka di Dalam Perut Bumi

From: Rizqi Angga Kurniawan
Maha besar ALLAH SWT yang menciptakan dan menguasai seluruh jagad raya ini. Dalam e-mail ini saya hanya ingin coba menganalisa keaslian dari file audio tipe mp.3 (AlamKubur) yang dikirimkan oleh senior saya mbak Retno E (dia juga dapat dari temennya). Analisa ini bukannya saya gak percaya dengan adanya alam kubur, tapi penyusupan dan penyelewengan akidah Islam terkadang sering dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak yang kurang senang terhadap Indahnya ISLAM dan menjadikan sesuatu hal bersifat Bid’ah di dalam agama kita yang mulia ini. Dan thanks buat mbak Retno E buat izinnya.
Step analisanya sebagai berikut :
1. Dalam analisa ini saya menggunakan software Cool Edit Pro versi 2
2. coba scan dan disini terlihat untuk grafik suaranya (left and right)
3. Untuk mengetahui file ini kapan terekam saya coba menggunakan fitur wave properties
4. Disini terlihat pada tanggal (last written) tertera tanggal 08 Agustus 2005 jam 14.26.42 telah mengalami proses pengeditan, jadi mungkin sebelum dikirim ke mbak Retno, file ini sudah mengalami proses edit.
Background (suara teriakan wanita 2), spliter 3
Background (suara teriakan wanita 1), spliter 2
File gabungan (mp3) yang dikirimkan via e-mail Suara utama (terdengar teriakan suara laki-laki), spliter 1
5. Kemudian berdasarkan petunjuk yang ada dalam menu technical support (di dalam software ini) untuk mengetahui originalitas (keaslian) dari suatu file suara dapat menggunakan fitur frecuency band spliter, ternyata file ini (AlamKubur.mp3) adalah hasil dari gabungan beberapa layer (tumpukan/gabungan) suara,… yang maksudnya adalah hasil dari beberapa file suara dan file background suara yang digabungkan menjadi satu, cara ini mungkin lebih familiar dengan istilah mixing dalam dunia rekaman. Seharusnya bila suatu file suara bersifat original (Insya Allah) file itu tidak dapat di spliter (dipisahkan), meskipun bisa di spliter hasilnya terdengar jelek dan kurang bagus di dengar, tapi file AlamKubur ini bisa di spliter dan suaranya sangat jelas dalam tiap file spliternya.
Wallahu’alam Bisahwab (hanya Allah SWT yang tahu).

Home Improvement

Home Improvement is a quality home improvement resource. Our collection of home improvement tips and articles include articles on kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, outdoors, decks and patios, and bedrooms. The list of home improvement articles are set up to be easy to find and easy to read.

Outdoor Lighting Installation

Outdoor lighting is not only a beautiful addition for your backyard but functional. For enhancing landscaping, you can install lighting that is low voltage to provide illumination. Other benefits of outdoor lighting include safety, and overall ambience. Low voltage kits are sold at many hardware and home improvement stores and come with a built-in transformer that has a timer. This feature allows you to choose when to have the lights turn on and off, adding convenience.

The transformers are able to use a household 120-volt and make it safe to run 12 volts. To install low lighting for your outdoors, a GFCI receptacle will be required on the exterior of your home. If you do not presently have on, an electrician will need to install one. Most importantly, always contact your local gas and electric company before you start to dig to ensure there are no underground cables or pipes.

For installation, choose the type of lights you prefer and keep in mind the areas you want to illuminate. Generally, you will find lights in four or seven watt so if you plan to brighten a large area you may need more lights than expected. Make sure the transformer has adequate wattage where additional lights could be added in the future. Be sure you have a diagram from which to work, which will help you stay on track of where you want the lighting to be installed. In addition, make good notes so you are reminded of problem areas, or specifics as to what you want to be illuminated. For example, you may have numerous types of plants and flowers on the south side of the house but in particular, you want your prized roses to shine.

After you have purchased the correct number of lights, position them to coordinate with your diagram. Typically, lights will come with a stake that can be driven into soft dirt easily. For this reason, the evening before you do the installation, water the ground thoroughly and then the morning of, sprinkle it with water so the ground is soft. Lay the lights down where the will be installed and then starting at the GFCI receptacle, lay out the cable so it runs to where the lights have been laid out. The cable above ground will be buried so no need to worry about anything being unsightly. Make sure you leave enough excessive cable at the transformer for each of the lights, which will allow you to move your lights later on. Each light has two wires with a metal tip. By putting one tab on each side of the cable and snapping it together, the light is installed. When the tip is pierced into the cable, the electrical connection is created. If the light does not come on, make sure these tabs are secured together.

You will then separate the wires at the end of the electrical cable and strip ½-inch of insulation. The two screws on the transformer will be loosened and the bare wires you just stripped slid under the correct terminal. Once complete, plug in the transformer, and turn it on. Look at each light to ensure it is working. Keep in mind that if the day is bright and sunny, it may be difficult to tell if they are on so you may need to shield the light from the sun or recheck when it starts to get dark. With a small shovel, you need to dig down 5 inches to bury the cable. Once the cable is buried, cover it with dirt and compact it down. Finally, set the timer to come on, go off at the desired time, and enjoy new lights form this home improvement.

Tips n Trick

Tips and Trick

  1. Smart Trick for Attracting Higher
  2. Wall Painting Trick

A Smart Trick for Attracting Higher Paying AdSense Ads

by: Diane Nassy

There are no guarantees in life, so I don’t guarantee that following these tips will bring you more money every time. However, I do guarantee that they will greatly increase your chances of pulling more of the top-paying AdSense ads to your site than if you don’t follow these suggestions.

Enough with the disclaimers, let’s get down to the business of making money. Google lets advertisers bid anywhere from a minimum of .05 per click right up to a whopping $100. It should be pretty obvious that you’re not going to get rich running .05 cent ads on your site, but getting a few $100 ads, or even some $10, $20, or $30 ads can’t be a bad thing, right?

Now the problem is, Google is pretty closed-mouthed about who is paying what for their ads, and there is no real way to determine which words pay the most per AdSense click.

But ah, far away in a parallel universe we find another Pay-Per-Click provider called Overture. It seems that Overture is less sensitive about releasing their top-priced words and anyone who cares to find out what web sites are paying for words and phrases can do so by simply using Overtures tattle-tale special pricing tool ( And it couldn’t be easier to use. You simply type in a key word or phrase and the tool returns a list of advertisers using that word and how much they are paying. It even shows you the actual ad.

Oh what a treasure trove of wealth-grabbing results this can be if you know what can be done with that priceless information.

Consider this possibility

Any key word or phrase that’s worth big bucks on Overture is probably worth big bucks on Google as well, maybe even more, right? So try this experiment:

Enter the phrase “SEO Services” without the quotes in the Overture tool ( When I entered that phrase on the day I wrote this article, I was found a company called SEO Inc. that was willing to pay $8.01 per click, followed by SEO Advantage at $8.00, and Online Web Consultants at $6.50. Other bidders appeared below them in the $3.00 range straight on down to some who wouldn’t pay more than a dime per click.

Now, if a company is willing to pay that much money for a click on Overture, it is probably willing to pay that or more on Google. Even if that particular company isn’t advertising on Google, you can be pretty sure that the same key phrase is drawing near the same bid price from other companies who do advertise on Google. So what that means is there is no way that you can possibly afford NOT to have some web pages posted somewhere that are targeted to those sweet-paying words.

All you have to do is use Overture’s pricing tool to find the highest-paying key words that are related to your site and then optimize those words to start pulling similar ads. If all goes to plan, you can perhaps double, triple, or even quadruple your AdSense revenue without needing any increase in traffic or click-through rate.

About the author:
Diane provides marketing and internet profit tips.
For more Google AdSense tips, visit http://www.adsense.deeljeabiz.comEmail :


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Blogger Theme Gratis buat anda.

Name of Theme  "Tinombala's Valley"

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Good Reasons Why A Furniture Rental May Make Good Cents!

Good Reasons Why A Furniture Rental May Make Good Cents!
By Abbie Frank

How often have you bought something only to decide a month or two later that it just doesn't fit your lifestyle, or the color isn't right? This is especially difficult situation when the purchase is relatively large like electronics, appliances, or furniture.
One important benefit of furniture and electronic appliance renting is that you can try the product out before really committing to ownership. Want to try the latest flat screen television but are concerned about the clarity or glare in your own home? Rent the unit for a month or so and try it out! This is especially true when considering an appliance technology that is new to you. Things like a flat heating element stove, or an extra large capacity washer and dryer all are good candidates for the try before you buy idea. If you think you may like that large capacity washer and dryer but can't swing the 1,100 to 1,500 dollars for the pair, getting them from a furniture rental company may be a good alternative.
Furniture rental company services are also a way to try out the latest in furniture designs at a fraction of the costs of a direct purchase. Try color schemes in your home without committing to the direct purchase of that new sofa or bedroom suite until you know the color scheme is right.
The first consideration when renting furniture will probably be price. The reason for this is because most of the rental cost is rental fees and not toward the purchase cost. This is ok however in that the intent, at least from this point of view is to rent the equipment or furniture to see if it fits into your lifestyle and home. If you purchase directly and the color is wrong, or that flat screen television isn't exactly right, too bad you own it. With furniture renting or try before you buy, if it's wrong, it's a simple matter to get an exchange or replacement.
Short term needs are another great reason why furniture rental services should be considered. If moving into a new home soon but don't want to move your furniture from storage into temporary housing, then into the new home, rental services may be the answer. Or if moving is part of a career move and you find yourself with two homes, a short term rental service can save a lot of expense. Instead of buying two sets of furniture, consider using furniture rentals in the new home until your previous homes furnishings are shipped.
Although furniture rental companies also do sell product, they offer the very best in consumer satisfaction by using the rental services as a try before you buy option. All in all, this can offer a consumer good service at a moderate cost while delivering the products desired almost immediately.


Free Tutorial

  1. Cara Mendapatkan Uang dengan Cara Gratis. Masuk ke rekening eGold

  2. Cara Gratis Menyebarkan Iklan, seperti Virus

  3. How to
    Register to Own Domain Name

Wall Painting Tricks

Wall Painting Tricks
By Kassidy

Did you know?
Are you looking for a way to transform the look of a room in your home? Maybe you have a small room, and you want it to look larger? Or maybe a room has a low ceiling and you want to make the ceiling look higher than it really is? You can easily change the look of any room just by using some paint and these wall painting tricks:
1. Choose the Right Color
Rooms in your home that have only one window in them can be dull and dreary looking. To change these rooms into cheerier, brighter places, choose a light color of paint. Yellow is a common choice to lighten up dark rooms. Or, you can choose white, light blue, or pink, just to name a few popular colors. Glossy colors reflect better than dull, flat type of paint too.
2. Raise Low Ceilings
Low ceilings can make a room look smaller than it actually is. But you can make a low ceiling look higher just by using this wall painting trick: choose a light color, such as glossy white, to paint the ceiling with. Then, paint four to six inches down each wall from the ceiling. This "extension of the ceiling area" will give the room a taller, larger look.
3. Unclutter A Room
Have you ever noticed how a room that's cluttered full of belongings looks tiny and small? The same thing can be said of a room that has heating radiators in it, for example. To make a room look uncluttered and larger, paint the heating radiators (and any other stationary items) the same color as the wall. That way, the items will blend in with the walls, and they won't be as noticeable.
This same wall painting trick works with wood work too. Painting the woodwork the same color as the walls will help camouflage the woodwork. Then, the room looks bigger and not divided up.
4. Shorten A Long Room
Some homes have rooms in them that are long and rather narrow. The sizes of these rooms make them look more like galleys or hallways rather than actual rooms. If this pertains to your home, you can use a wall painting trick to remedy the problem. Simply paint three of the walls a warm, or darker, color. Then, paint the fourth end wall a lighter or cooler color.
5. Lengthen A Short Room
On the other hand, to make a short room in your home look longer, paint one end wall a light, cool color. Then, paint the other three walls a warm, darker color.
6. Lower High Ceilings
Another one of the wall painting tricks that works for rooms with high ceilings is to paint the ceiling a darker color than the walls. The darker ceiling will actually make the ceiling look lower. Thus, the room will look cozier and warmer.
7. Fill the Gaps
Often, there are gaps in between the baseboards and the walls in a room. As the eye follows the wall down, it will naturally stop when it sees the gaps. This creates a divided feeling. To remedy this problem, use this wall painting trick: use a good-quality caulking to fill the gaps in before you paint the room.
8. Cover the Imperfections
If you have a room in your home that has dents, divots, and other imperfections on the walls, choose a flat type of color to paint the room with. The flat, dull paint will help hide the problem areas.
9. Don't Skimp!
When it comes to choosing a brand of paint and the brushes, rollers, et cetera, don't buy the cheapest ones you can find. The more expensive painting equipment usually produces the best results.
10. Clean Up Less
One of the best wall painting tricks is, instead of cleaning your brush or roller up everytime you want to take a break, simply wrap it in a plastic bag. Then, place it in your freezer. It won't dry and harden up. When you're ready to paint again, simply remove your brush or roller from the freezer, allow it to thaw for a few minutes, then use it!
A light color painted 4 to 6 inches down the walls can make a ceiling look higher.Use light, cool colors to cheer up a dark room.Flat colors of paints help hide imperfections on room walls.Painting is the fastest, least expensive way you can use to transform the look of an entire room. Not only that, but painting is so easy that even an amateur can learn how to paint in no time at all!

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