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How to Create Linux Running USB

Hi dear.. I will show you how to create linux live on your USB stick easily...
First, you must download Linux Live USB Creator program.

The Linux Live USB Creator is an awesome tool that can be used to install various Linux compilations, versions and distributions to a USB Flash Drive. The end result is aBootable Live USB(in some cases with Persistence as well).  Created by Thibaut Lauzière,LiLi USB Creatorformerly known as uSbuntu Live Creator, can create your Linux USB Flash Drive from a source Image, ISO or CD. It can also download the IMG or ISO for you. But it doesn't stop there. LiLi USB Creator can also install aPortable Virtualbox on the USB device. You can then either boot the Linux installation from inside Windows emulated using Virtualbox on USB or Boot from USB natively (if your computer supports booting from USB).

Note: This is one of our favorite GUI tool for creating a Linux Flash Drive from Windows! Thibaut's work is outstanding. However, you should know that this tool was created using autoit scripts and some antivirus software WILL report false positives.

Linux Live USB Creator Screenshot

Linux Live USB Creator
LiLi USB Creator Website:

How to install and use Linux Live USB Creator

  1. Download Linux Live USB Creator and extract the zip to your PC
  2. Run LiLi USB Creator.exe from the Linux Live USB Creator Folder
  3. Simply follow Steps 1- 5 from the Menu. Once complete, you should have the Portable Linux Distribution you can carry with you in your pocket to run on any PC either emulated with Virtualbox Portable or natively.
The Linux Live USB Creator can currently create the following:

  • Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu 9.10 & 9.04 Flash Drive
  • Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 Flash Drive
  • CentOS 5.4 Flash Drive
  • Debian Live 5.0.2 Gnome/KDE/LXDE/xFce Flash Drive
  • Damn Small linux 4.4.10 Flash Drive
  • Puppy Linux 4.3.1 Flash Drive
  • Toutou Linux 4.1.2 Flash Drive
  • Gparted Live 0.4.6-1 Flash Drive
  • Clonezilla 1.2.2-31 Flash Drive
  • Fedora 11 (KDE / Gnome) Flash Drive
  • Kuki 2.8 Flash Drive
  • Mint 6 & 7 Main Edition Flash Drive
  • Crunchbang 9.04 Standard & Lite Edition Flash Drive
  • Super OS 9.04 Flash Drive>
  • Experimental .IMG file to Flash Drive Support
  • Tiny Core 2.5>
  • Slitaz 2.0>
  • Parted Magic 4.6
  • PCLinuxOS
  • Slax>


Mike Filsaime’s Butterfly Marketing Script Download Now for Free

It’s been very interesting last few years. When I first got started, the very first marketing package I purchased was Mike Filsaime’s Butterfly Marketing. I scrimped and saved every last penny in order to purchase the $1997 course, only to find out that exactly 18 days later, it would be available as a download version for a fraction of the cost. I missed the boat on that one.

Butterfly Marketing Giveaway
A few months back, Mike decided to give away the Butterfly Marketing course. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an incredible course, but several people who spent lots of money on the course were a little upset that it was being given away for free. But, I guess that’s to be expected in the Internet Marketing industry.

Of course, there was an optional continuity program you were offered to get Mike’s newsletter. Either way, it was a good opportunity for many getting started to get a high dollar course.

Butterfly Marketing Script Goes Open Source with PLR

Many of you probably won’t know what that means. Others know exactly what that means. You can get access to the script that was being sold for $2000. You can then use the script any way you like and even put your name on it and call it your own.

Why’s that important? Well, if you’re a programmer or have access to someone with programming skills, you could modify the Butterfly Marketing Script, change the look, add some features, rebrand it, and sell it for a profit.

Sound Good? Sure it is. Will you ever “bottle it” and sell it as your own? Realistically, probably not.

Personally, I like the concept of having access to it if I ever needed it for anything else.

What’s the Catch?

So here’s the catch. Yes, the Butterfly Marketing Script is now open source and with full Private Label Rights. You can download it for Free with absolutely no obligation.

You can download Butterfly Marketing Script here

The catch is that if you want support and to be able to learn how the script works, and get access to other developers, you need to pay a fee to join the developer network.

I’ve seen some software moving in this direction, but not much. Do you need to join the developer network? If you’re planning on developing the script further and making changes, I think it would be helpful. As a programmer having been inside the code and use it myself, it can be cumbersome. Having that additional help would be worthwhile.

If you’re not a programmer and have no immediate plans to do anything with the software, just grab your open source copy and hang on it.

You can download Butterfly Marketing Script here

Free Download Butterfly Marketing Script

Anda tentu taukan script Butterfly Marketing yang dijual dengan harga USD$1997.
Butterfly Marketing Script adalah script make money dibuat oleh Mike Filsaime untuk membangun kerajaan bisnis Internet – yang sudah terbukti sukses diraihnya. Dengan script ini, Mike mengajarkan cara untuk mendapatkan subscriber sebanyak-banyaknya untuk kemudian diubah menjadi customer yang mendatangkan uang. Seluruh tool untuk keperluan proses ini sudah disediakan dalam script ini sehingga pastinya akan meringankan beban Anda dalam membangun kerajaan bisnis Internet.
Setelah mendaftar, Anda akan diberi penawaran untuk bergabung dalam komunitasnya. Yang ini tidak gratis, ada biaya keanggotaan $200. Silakan mendaftar jika Anda tertarik untuk mendapatkan support dan juga bonus-bonus dari produk Mike lainnya. Namun jika Anda tidak ingin merogoh kocek $200, langsung aja ke bagian paling bawah halaman dan Anda akan dibawa ke halaman download.